BE WELL by Kari Molvar
BE WELL by Kari Molvar
BE WELL by Kari Molvar
BE WELL by Kari Molvar
BE WELL by Kari Molvar

BE WELL by Kari Molvar

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  • Kurze Lieferzeit – in 3-4 Werktagen bei dir 💫

  • 14 Tage Rückgaberecht – behalte nur, was du liebst ❤️

  • Produktbeschreibung

    About The Book

    "Going to a spa is not merely pampering — it is healing. To be sure, having your muscles kneaded and your skin bathed in herbaceous oils feels quite nice, but there is something deeper and more alchemic happening in your cells. The roots of spa culture go back centuries, to the ancient Greeks and Romans who realized the therapeutic benefits of soaking in water, slathering on mud, and flexing their quadriceps on a daily basis. Such vintage wellness practices served a practical and metaphysical purpose: to restore the body and make one feel alive. Today, this same type of healing could not be more relevant for our times."*

    Our Recommendation

    In this book you find a blend of ancient healing rituals and beautiful photographs of places and spaces dedicated to those rituals. It presents how ancient culture is lived today and those people that influence our wellness culture.

    About The Author

    "Kari Molvar was born in 1978 and is a writer and editor focusing on wellness as seen through the lens of design, culture, and style. She is an online contributor to The New York Times Style Magazine and the founder of Routine Matters. Her work appears in Vogue and The Wall Street Journal, among other titles. Kari now lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children."*




    Bibliographic Information

    be well. New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well by Kari Molvar and Robert von Klanten
    2nd Printing, 2020
    gestalten Verlag
    ISBN: 978-3-89955-995-8

    Dimensions: 21 x 2.5 x 26 cm

    *source: blurb & NY Times

    Versand & Rückgabe

    Kostenfreier Versand ab einem Bestellwert von 75 €.
    Darunter betragen die Versandkosten 4,90 €.
    Die Lieferzeit beträgt üblicherweise 2-3 Werktage.

    Andere EU-Länder
    Kostenfreier Versand ab einem Bestellwert von 125 €.
    Darunter betragen die Versandkosten 7,90 €.
    Die Lieferzeit beträgt üblicherweise 3-4 Werktage.

    Kostenfreier Versand ab einem Bestellwert von 250 €.
    Darunter betragen die Versandkosten 19,90 €.
    Weitere Details zum Versand in die Schweiz findest du hier.
    Die Lieferzeit beträgt üblicherweise 4-6 Werktage.

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